sabato 30 dicembre 2023


As we stand on the threshold of welcoming in a New Year and saying farewell to the old one, it is a time for reflection, hope, and curiosity over what the future will deliver in 2024.
Whatever it holds we at the European Muslim League hope the spirit of peace, which has come to define the beautiful religion of Islam, will continue to shine a light on our shared pursuit of justice and human rights in our troubled world.
Whilst the focus on our planet centred on climate change and environmental issues in 2023 all our concerns were overshadowed by the dark, turbulence unfolding in the Middle East on October 7.
Palestinian Muslims and Christians, especially those in Gaza, continue to stand resolute in the face of unimaginable hardships during the so-called Festive season.
EML extends our solidarity and grief with Pope Francis while we continue our unwavering commitment to defending human rights and the resilience of our efforts for peace. 
Dr Yvonne Ridley, EML Secretary-General, said: "Together both the Christian and Muslim worlds should unite and see 2024 
as an opportunity to extend our tireless interfaith efforts with our Jewish cousins and peoples of other faiths and none.
EML President Dr Alfredo Maiolese  called upon the league's peace ambassadors to reaffirm their commitment to the cause of peace and to amplify all efforts in the pursuit of "global justice, peace, and unity."
Dr Maiolese added: "From St Peter's Square in Rome, Pope Francis made a commitment on Christmas Day to opposing all war, to cherish human life, feed the hungry, and give voice to the voiceless. His values are also shared by ours.
"The road ahead may be challenging, but by working together, our solidarity and perseverance will continue to serve as the keystone that will lock and cement our friendship. 
"Let us seize the opportunities that await us in the coming year to make  realise our shared goals."

lunedì 27 novembre 2023


The President of European Muslim League Ambassador Alfredo Maiolese participated today in the conference organized in the Senate of the Italian Republic on the theme of the role of religious and ethnic communities in the construction of Europe and in overcoming the ongoing crisis. The European Muslim League has in fact for some time considered a new diplomacy based on the concept of dialogue with States, Peoples and religions. Many participants were Senators and Deputies of the Italian Parliament

Le président de la Ligue musulmane européenne, l'ambassadeur Alfredo Maiolese, a participé aujourd'hui à la conférence organisée au Sénat de la République italienne sur le thème du rôle des communautés religieuses et ethniques dans la construction de l'Europe et dans la résolution de la crise actuelle. La Ligue musulmane européenne réfléchit en effet depuis quelques temps à une nouvelle diplomatie fondée sur la notion de dialogue avec les Etats, les peuples et les religions. De nombreux participants étaient des sénateurs et des députés du Parlement italien.
Il Presidente della Lega Musulmana Europea, Ambasciatore Alfredo Maiolese, ha partecipato oggi al convegno organizzato presso il Senato della Repubblica Italiana sul tema del ruolo delle comunità religiose ed etniche nella costruzione dell'Europa e nel superamento della crisi in atto. La Lega Musulmana Europea considera infatti da tempo una nuova diplomazia basata sul concetto di dialogo con gli Stati, i Popoli e le religioni. Molti dei partecipanti erano Senatori e Deputati del Parlamento italiano.

sabato 25 novembre 2023


The Islamic Community of Latin America organized a meeting with Muslim leaders. Many Ambassadors of the European Muslim League were present. Here our Coordinator in Latin America Ambassador Kassem Mohammed Tayjan together with other EML Peace Ambassadors. The commitment to peace and cohesion between peoples were on the agenda during the 3 days of the Conference.

giovedì 9 novembre 2023


The European Muslim League receive this announcement and herewith as follows: 


The World Health Organization (WHO) has called for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” to allow the passage of fuel and health supplies to Gaza. “Unless vital fuel and additional health supplies are urgently delivered to Gaza, thousands of “Vulnerable patients are at risk of death or medical complications due to the closure of critical services due to lack of power,” the WHO warned.
A total of 9,000 people were killed in the Gaza Strip in the last 24 hours. And at least 6,791 Palestinians, including 2,360 children, have been killed in the Israeli attack that began weeks ago. The injured exceed fifteen thousand, many seriously and without the possibility of adequate care. 62% of the victims are women and children. With its air and ground bombardments, Israel has destroyed nearly 200,000 homes, 206 schools and colleges, 35 health centers and 11 water sanitation plants.
As active members of the Islamic Communities in Latin America and the Caribbean, we urgently request more defined and firm action from our governments.
Almighty God will do justice. 

domenica 5 novembre 2023


EML Appeal Stop the genocide stop the shedding of innocent blood.

Every state has the right to defend itself in the face of an attack, particularly against defenseless civilians, but the response and therefore the defense must be exercised within the limits of the offense. The United Nations, which knows international law well, knows that it is forbidden to bomb civilians, hospitals, places of worship and for this reason they have made exemplary statements not appreciated by the Israeli state and it is clear that what we are witnessing is a genocide created by a short-sighted policy that is responding to an attack, albeit an execrable one, which we all condemn, inappropriately and disproportionately.
From Tel Aviv we heard the words revenge and total destruction, words not worthy of a democratic state among the few located in that area, but which with the facts, faced with the murder of 10,000 civilians, can be defined without a doubt, as a result of his actions, lawless and fascist. We are witnessing a collective punishment that has nothing to do with legality and human rights, but a return to a law of retaliation and the settling of scores from the Wild West or the mafia feud.
From this responsibility we categorically exclude the inhabitants of Israel, and the latter include Jews, Christians, civilians, secularists, some political parties, even the military who receive naturally misleading orders from politicians who despise the lives of others , international law, and are devoid of human mercy.

We at the EML European Muslim League, the board and all the Ambassadors of Peace, scattered across the various continents, publicly denounce the anti-Semitism that is today fueled and coming from this government coalition which also includes extremist parties, which with its actions they are leading the world towards a world war. Even if Hamas, which we condemn for its terrorist actions as already stated by the EU, proclaims itself to be a religious political party, here it is not a question of a clash of religions, but of an economic plan whose sole purpose is the destruction and annihilation of Palestinian people. The only solution to the new holocaust of 2023 is the immediate stop of the bombings, the opening of humanitarian channels and the creation of two states as had been planned at Camp David by the plan of the then American President, Bill Clinton as foreseen by the approved resolutions by the UN. The law is the same for everyone and this arrogance of Netanyahu and not of our Jewish cousins, people who believe in God and the afterlife, must be applied, even towards Israel which does not listen to anyone (see dozens of UN resolutions), let alone its American allies. We therefore ask the International Parliament for Safety and Peace, the United Nations, the European Union and individual States to put into practice all diplomatic tools to stop the genocide, mobilizing us all for peace.

Appel EML Arrêtez le génocide et arrêtez l'effusion du sang innocent.
 Tout État a le droit de se défendre face à une attaque, notamment contre des civils sans défense, mais la riposte et donc la défense doivent s'exercer dans les limites de l'offensive. Les Nations Unies, qui connaissent bien le droit international, savent qu'il est interdit de bombarder des civils, des hôpitaux, des lieux de culte et pour cette raison, elles ont fait des déclarations exemplaires qui ne sont pas appréciées par l'État israélien et il est clair que ce à quoi nous assistons est un un génocide créé par une politique à courte vue qui répond à une attaque, même exécrable, que nous condamnons tous de manière inappropriée et disproportionnée.
 Depuis Tel-Aviv, nous avons entendu les mots vengeance et destruction totale, mots qui ne sont pas dignes d'un État démocratique parmi les rares qui se trouvent dans cette zone, mais qui, avec les faits, face à l'assassinat de 10 000 civils, peuvent être définis sans aucun doute comme un résultat de ses actions, anarchiques et fascistes. Nous assistons à une punition collective qui n’a rien à voir avec la légalité et les droits de l’homme, mais plutôt un retour à une loi du talion et des règlements de compte du Far West ou de la querelle mafieuse.
 De cette responsabilité, nous excluons catégoriquement les habitants d'Israël, et ces derniers incluent les juifs, les chrétiens, les civils, les laïcs, certains partis politiques, même les militaires qui reçoivent des ordres naturellement trompeurs de la part de politiciens qui méprisent la vie des autres, le droit international, et sont dépourvus de droit international. de la miséricorde humaine.
Nous, à la Ligue Musulmane Européenne de l'EML, le comité directeur et tous les ambassadeurs de la paix, répartis sur les différents continents, dénonçons publiquement l'antisémitisme qui est aujourd'hui alimenté et venant de cette coalition gouvernementale qui comprend également des partis extrémistes, qui, par leurs actions, conduisent le monde vers une guerre mondiale. Même si le Hamas, que nous condamnons pour ses actions terroristes comme l'a déjà déclaré l'UE, se proclame parti politique religieux, il ne s'agit pas ici d'un choc des religions, mais d'un plan économique dont le seul objectif est la destruction et l'anéantissement du peuple palestinien. La seule solution au nouvel holocauste de 2023 est l'arrêt immédiat des bombardements, l'ouverture des canaux humanitaires et la création de deux États comme cela avait été prévu à Camp David par le plan du président américain de l'époque, Bill Clinton, comme le prévoyait le résolutions approuvées par l’ONU. La loi est la même pour tout le monde et cette arrogance de Netanyahu et non de nos cousins ​​juifs, gens qui croient en Dieu et à l'au-delà, doit être appliquée, même envers Israël qui n'écoute personne (voir des dizaines de résolutions de l'ONU), que ce soit seul ses alliés américains. Nous demandons donc au Parlement international pour la sécurité et la paix, aux Nations Unies, à l’Union européenne et aux États individuels de mettre en pratique tous les outils diplomatiques pour mettre fin au génocide, en nous mobilisant tous pour la paix.
Appello dell'EML Fermate il genocidio fermate lo spargimento di sangue innocente.
 Ogni Stato ha il diritto di difendersi di fronte ad un attacco, in particolare contro civili indifesi, ma la risposta e quindi la difesa devono essere esercitate nei limiti dell'offesa. Le Nazioni Unite, che conoscono bene il diritto internazionale, sanno che è vietato bombardare civili, ospedali, luoghi di culto e per questo hanno fatto dichiarazioni esemplari non gradite allo Stato israeliano ed è chiaro che quello a cui assistiamo è un genocidio creato da una politica miope che risponde ad un attacco, per quanto esecrabile, che noi tutti condanniamo, in modo inappropriato e sproporzionato.
 Da Tel Aviv si sono sentite le parole di vendetta e di distruzione totale, parole non degne di uno Stato democratico tra i pochi situati in quella zona, ma che con i fatti, di fronte all'assassinio di 10.000 civili, si possono definire senza dubbio come un risultato delle sue azioni, illegali e fasciste. Stiamo assistendo a una punizione collettiva che non ha nulla a che vedere con la legalità e i diritti umani, ma un ritorno a una legge del taglione e dei regolamenti di conti da far west o della faida mafiosa.
 Da questa responsabilità escludiamo categoricamente gli abitanti di Israele, e tra questi ultimi rientrano ebrei, cristiani, civili, laici, alcuni partiti politici, perfino i militari che ricevono ordini naturalmente fuorvianti da politici che disprezzano la vita degli altri, il diritto internazionale, e sono privi di della misericordia umana.
Noi della Lega Musulmana Europea EML, il consiglio direttivo e tutti gli Ambasciatori di Pace, sparsi nei vari continenti, denunciamo pubblicamente l'antisemitismo che oggi viene alimentato e proveniente da questa coalizione di governo, di cui fanno parte anche partiti estremisti, che con le sue azioni stanno portando il mondo verso una guerra mondiale. Anche se Hamas, che condanniamo per le sue azioni terroristiche, come già affermato dall’UE, si proclama un partito politico religioso, qui non si tratta di uno scontro di religioni, ma di un piano economico il cui unico scopo è la distruzione e l’annientamento del popolo palestinese. L’unica soluzione al nuovo olocausto del 2023 è la cessazione immediata dei bombardamenti, l’apertura di canali umanitari e la creazione di due Stati come era stato previsto a Camp David dal piano dell’allora Presidente americano Bill Clinton come previsto dal risoluzioni approvate dall’ONU. La legge è uguale per tutti e questa arroganza di Netanyahu e non dei nostri cugini ebrei, gente che crede in Dio e nell’aldilà, va applicata, anche nei confronti di Israele che non ascolta nessuno (vedi decine di risoluzioni Onu), né I  suoi alleati americani. Chiediamo quindi al Parlamento Internazionale per la Sicurezza e la Pace, alle Nazioni Unite, all'Unione Europea e ai singoli Stati di mettere in pratica tutti gli strumenti diplomatici per fermare il genocidio, mobilitando tutti noi per la pace.

Llamamiento del EML: Alto al genocidio, alto al derramamiento de sangre inocente.
Todo Estado tiene derecho a defenderse ante un ataque, particularmente contra civiles indefensos, pero la respuesta y por tanto la defensa debe ejercerse dentro de los límites del delito. Las Naciones Unidas, que conocen bien el derecho internacional, saben que está prohibido bombardear a civiles, hospitales, lugares de culto y por eso han hecho declaraciones ejemplares que el Estado de Israel no aprecia y está claro que lo que estamos presenciando es una genocidio creado por una política miope que responde a un ataque, aunque sea execrable, que todos condenamos, de manera inapropiada y desproporcionada.

 Desde Tel Aviv escuchamos las palabras venganza y destrucción total, palabras no dignas de un Estado democrático entre los pocos ubicados en esa zona, pero que con los hechos, ante el asesinato de 10.000 civiles, se pueden definir sin lugar a dudas, como un resultado de sus acciones, anárquicas y fascistas. Asistimos a un castigo colectivo que no tiene nada que ver con la legalidad y los derechos humanos, sino con el regreso a una ley de represalias y ajustes de cuentas del Salvaje Oeste o de la disputa mafiosa.

 De esta responsabilidad excluimos categóricamente a los habitantes de Israel, y entre estos últimos se incluyen judíos, cristianos, civiles, secularistas, algunos partidos políticos, incluso militares, que reciben órdenes naturalmente engañosas de políticos que desprecian la vida de los demás, el derecho internacional y están desprovistos de de la misericordia humana.

 Nosotros, la Liga Musulmana Europea EML, la junta directiva y todos los Embajadores de la Paz, repartidos por los distintos continentes, denunciamos públicamente el antisemitismo que hoy se alimenta y proviene de esta coalición gubernamental que incluye también partidos extremistas, que con sus acciones están llevando al mundo hacia una guerra mundial. Incluso si Hamás, al que condenamos por sus acciones terroristas como ya afirma la UE, se proclama un partido político religioso, aquí no se trata de un choque de religiones, sino de un plan económico cuyo único objetivo es la destrucción y aniquilación del pueblo palestino. La única solución al nuevo holocausto de 2023 es el cese inmediato de los bombardeos, la apertura de canales humanitarios y la creación de dos estados, tal como estaba previsto en Camp David por el plan del entonces presidente estadounidense, Bill Clinton, tal como lo preveía el Resoluciones aprobadas por la ONU. La ley es la misma para todos y esta arrogancia de Netanyahu y no de nuestros primos judíos, personas que creen en Dios y en el más allá, debe aplicarse, incluso hacia Israel, que no escucha a nadie (ver decenas de resoluciones de la ONU), incluso hacia Israel, que no escucha a nadie (ver decenas de resoluciones de la ONU). solo sus aliados americanos. Por lo tanto, pedimos al Parlamento Internacional para la Seguridad y la Paz, las Naciones Unidas, la Unión Europea y los Estados individuales que pongan en práctica todas las herramientas diplomáticas para detener el genocidio, movilizándonos a todos por la paz.

mercoledì 18 ottobre 2023


Horrendous and yet another attack that we condemn and which has no religious motivation. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict in its complexity and at the same time clarity must not lead Muslims around the world to kill people who have nothing to do with the war or the injustices of states or extremist parties. Religion is an instrument of worship and respect and not a weapon of destruction. The EML, its President Amb Alfredo Genova and the General Secretary Dr. Yvonne Ridley invite the community of believers to respect their religion and not make distorted and inappropriate use of it. It is not in the name of God that poor innocent people are barbarically killed. Allah uakbar - God is the Greatest - must be said with love and respect and not as an incitement or slogan to murder others.
They also extend condolences to the families of the two fans of the national football team and the people of Sweden.
Horrible et encore une attaque que nous condamnons et qui n’a aucune motivation religieuse. Le conflit israélo-palestinien, dans sa complexité et en même temps sa clarté, ne doit pas conduire les musulmans du monde entier à tuer des gens qui n'ont rien à voir avec la guerre ou les injustices des États ou des partis extrémistes. La religion est un instrument de culte et de respect et non une arme de destruction. L'EML, son président Amb Alfredo Genova et la secrétaire générale Dr. Yvonne Ridley invitent la communauté des croyants à respecter leur religion et à ne pas en faire un usage déformé et inapproprié. Ce n’est pas au nom de Dieu que de pauvres innocents sont tués de manière barbare. Allah ouakbar – Dieu est le plus grand – doit être prononcé avec amour et respect et non comme une incitation ou un slogan au meurtre d'autrui.
 Ils présentent également leurs condoléances aux familles des deux supporters de l'équipe nationale de football et au peuple suédois.
Orrendo, l'ennesimo attacco che condanniamo e che non ha alcuna motivazione religiosa. Il conflitto israelo-palestinese nella sua complessità e allo stesso tempo nella sua chiarezza non deve portare i musulmani di tutto il mondo a uccidere persone che non hanno nulla a che fare con la guerra o con le ingiustizie di Stati o partiti estremisti. La religione è uno strumento di culto e di rispetto e non un’arma di distruzione. L'EML, il suo Presidente Amb Alfredo Genova e il Segretario Generale Dott.ssa Yvonne Ridley invitano la comunità dei credenti a rispettare la propria religione e a non farne un uso distorto e inappropriato. Non è in nome di Dio che dei poveri innocenti vengono barbaramente uccisi. Allah uakbar - Dio è il più Grande - deve essere detto con amore e rispetto e non come incitamento o slogan all'omicidio degli altri.
Esprimono inoltre le nostre condoglianze alle famiglie dei due tifosi della nazionale di calcio e al popolo svedese.

domenica 15 ottobre 2023


Nothing can have prepared the European Muslim League for the deluge of human misery that burst onto our TV screens in recent days from Israel and the occupied territories of Gaza.

The highest price, as in many wars and conflicts, is being paid by women and children, the elderly and the invalided.

It goes without saying that we at EML are struggling to explain the tragic loss of so many innocents in Israel just as we are also struggling to try and understand the infinite destruction of Gaza.

"Humans are suffering on both sides and our great faith underlines, at all times, the preservation of life and not its destruction.

"It doesn't matter who you are or how you pray, we at EML believe in the preservation of life at all costs. There is simply no hierarchy in pain, suffering, and death. All lives are equally precious.

"We urge restraint on all sides and a swift, just intervention by the EU as well as Britain and America," said EML President Alfredo Maiolese.

EML Secretary General Dr Yvonne Ridley added: "I endorse everything our President says and would urge Muslims to remain true to our moral compass.

"Our brothers and sisters in Gaza are suffering and we must keep them in our prayers during this very dark period, but we must also think of our Jewish cousins who are no strangers to suffering either.

"We must put humanity first and assist wherever we can. Our prayers and thoughts go out to everyone in the Middle East. We must all focus on peace."

giovedì 5 ottobre 2023


Our Ambassador of Peace Dr. Aiman ​​Altaramsi was awarded with the most important award of the city of Peace for his high merits in spreading the values ​​of harmony between peoples and religions.  Congratulations to Ambassador Altaramsi from the Presidency of the EML and from all colleagues around the world.
Nuestro Embajador de la Paz Dr. Aiman ​​Altaramsi fue galardonado con el premio más importante de la ciudad de la Paz por sus altos méritos en la difusión de los valores de la armonía entre los pueblos y las religiones. Felicitaciones al Embajador Altaramsi de la Presidencia de la EML y de todos los colegas de todo el mundo.

martedì 3 ottobre 2023


On the occasion of the National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia our Ambassador Dr. Kassem Mohammed Tayjan was invited. Here Ambassador Tayjan with H.E. Ambassador Sr. Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Sihani of Saudi Arabia and H.E. Ambassador Sr. Elias Lopes of the Republic of Lebanon.

lunedì 2 ottobre 2023


The Presidency of European Muslim League, the President Amb. Alfredo Maiolese, the Vicar Vice President Dr. Nader Akkad, the Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj, the Secretary General Dr.Yvonne Ridley, together with all the members of EML, are glad to announce the nomination of new Ambassador of Peace in the State of Kuwait. 
Congratulations to Eng.Waleed Farrag Al Ghanim for this important role. Eng Al Ghanim, boasts a long experience as a state servant, accompanied by profound honesty, rectitude and professionalism and was an enlightening example, serving the State of Kuwait for many years as Deputy Minister of Public Works.

domenica 1 ottobre 2023


Our Ambassador of Peace and Vice President of European Muslim League Dr. Arben Ramkaj partecipated at the Conference "Interreligious Dialogue "Albania's Contribution to the Balkans" organized by the Center for Interreligious Studies of the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Center for Interreligious Cooperation in Elbasan was held today at the Gregorian University in Rome.
The meeting was moderated by Prof. Ambrogio Buongiovanni, Director of the Center for Interreligious Studies at the Gregorian, while the welcoming words were given by P. Pino di Luccio, Vice Rector of the Gregorian University, Prof. Dr. Skënder Topi, rector of "Aleksandër Xhuvani" University, Mons. Indunil J. K. Kodithuwakku, secretary of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue in the Vatican, Francesco Di Nitto, Italian ambassador to the Vatican, Majlinda Dodaj, Ambassador of Albania to the Vatican and Dr. Arben Ramkaj, also
President of the Center for Interreligious Cooperation in Elbasan.

Next, the session was opened by Dom Dorian Mjeshtri, Coordinator of the Interreligious Cooperation Center in Elbasan, who spoke about the challenges of this dialogue. Mario Imperatori, dean of the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Naples, focused on the identity of interreligious dialogue between politics and theology.
Italian diplomat Andrea Benzo, head of the religious freedom and interreligious dialogue department at the Italian foreign ministry, spoke about religious freedom and the dialogue between universal values ​​and local specifics. Dr. Rudina Çollaku, head of the women's department at the Center for Interreligious Cooperation, brought an overview of the meeting culture of two religious communities after the fall of communism.
Finally, the dean of Philosophy of the Pontifical Gregorian University presented religious and secular relativism through challenges and opportunities.

sabato 30 settembre 2023


During a meeting relating to the socio-political perspective of the industrial city of Belgalore, our Ambassador Mr. Irfanulla Khan met Dr. Raja Sabha former MP & Chairman and presented EML's activities in India.

domenica 10 settembre 2023


The European Muslim League,the Presidency and all the Ambassadors of Peace worldwide extends its deepest condolences to the government and people of the Kingdom of Morocco for the victims of the earthquake that struck several regions of the Kingdom.
We pray to Almighty God to grant home to the righteous and recovery to the injured.

mercoledì 6 settembre 2023


Presidency of European Muslim League, the President Amb. Alfredo Maiolese, the Vicar Vice President Dr. Nader Akkad, the Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj, the Secretary General Dr.Yvonne Ridley, together with all the members of EML, are glad to announce the nomination of new Ambassador of Peace in El Salvador.
Congratulations to Sheikh Emerson Bukele for this important role. 

lunedì 4 settembre 2023


EML would like to thank Al Balagh Academy for their continued efforts in teaching correct Islam to thousands of students around the world.  Our President Dr. Amb Alfredo Maiolese had the honor of participating in the two-year academic course of Islamic Sciences, noting the professionalism and high level of preparation of the teachers.  We also want to thank the University of Padua in concert with the Italian Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Justice for the course organized in Minister of Worship in the prison sector.  Our President Dr. Alfredo Maiolese, chosen to participate in the course, brilliantly passed the exam and was, therefore, authorized to enter Italian prisons as a Minister of Muslim religion.

lunedì 28 agosto 2023


Presidency of European Muslim League, the President Amb. Alfredo Maiolese, the Vicar Vice President Dr. Nader Akkad, the Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj, the Secretary General Dr.Yvonne Ridley, together with all the members of EML, are glad to announce the nomination of new Ambassador of Peace in Dominican Republic. 
Congratulations to Sheikh Nemr Darwich for this important role. 

venerdì 14 luglio 2023


Presidency of European Muslim League, the President Amb. Alfredo Maiolese, the Vicar Vice President Dr. Nader Akkad, the Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj, the Secretary General Dr.Yvonne Ridley, together with all the members of EML, are glad to announce the nomination of new Ambassador of Peace in the States of Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia, USA.
Congratulations to Mr.Cheikh Abdou Khadre Dieylani Faye for this important role. 

mercoledì 5 luglio 2023


 On the occasion of Eid Al-Adha, our Ambassador of EML Dr Kassem Mohammed Tayjan and the Venezuelan Islamic Community with the collaboration of the Hasene International Organization, carried out the beneficiary project of distributing 720 bags of meat to Muslims and non-Muslims in need on the island of Margarita, Venezuela.

martedì 27 giugno 2023


This year we want to celebrate Aid Adha from San Marino
The President of European Muslim League Dr. Alfredo Maiolese, the Secretary-General Dr. Yvonne Ridley, Vice President Vicar Dr. Nader Akkad, Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj and all the EML members wish happy Aid  to all Muslims around the world. 

sabato 24 giugno 2023


Speech of our Ambassador of Peace in Guyana 
 Sheikh Moeenul Hack

Draft statement to be delivered by Sheikh Moeenul Hack, Chairman of the Ethnic Relations Commission, at the thematic roundtable titled “Recognizing and Addressing Systemic and Structural Racism: A Data-Driven and Evidence-Based Approach”
1 June 2023

The “One Guyana” approach seeks to ensure ethnic harmony and that no one is left behind. Accurate data is therefore critical to identifying disparities and whether systemic and structural racism exists. And to develop effective responses to achieve equality for all Guyanese of which over 30% are people of African descent.
In addition to periodic censuses, an evidence-based approach to addressing racism requires targeted measures.
This is why our Parliament established the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC), a constitutional body mandated to promote the elimination of all forms of discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, and to investigate complaints and provide redress as necessary. This body can recommend policies and progammes to the Parliament to address disparities.
Yesterday, Mr. Darren Wade from IPADA-G made serious allegations, which in my capacity as Chair of the Ethnic Relations Commission, behooves me to respond.
In his accusation of racism, he said Guyana imposed visas on our Haitian brothers and sisters. The fact is, 12 of the 14 CARICOM countries require visas. Three (3) of these countries removed visa restrictions for Haitians then re-instated it, including Guyana in 2021. The CARICOM Secretary-General in the same year said there is growing evidence that Haitians are being trafficked. In Guyana’s case, a bi-partisan Parliamentary Committee found evidence that Haitians were being trafficked through Guyana to third countries. In 2021, 12 Haitians were rescued after being abandoned by traffickers in our forests.
Regarding Guyana giving preferential treatment to nationals of three Asian countries, and not Haitians. This is not so. The nationals of these countries also require ordinary visas to enter Guyana. As for the Court case, this was a deportation order that was quashed and the persons were ordered released. It was not about reinstating a visa-free regime.
We can only eliminate racism if we are willing to dialogue and work together.
We welcome international cooperation to share experiences and build capacity.
I thank you.

martedì 13 giugno 2023

BERGAMO, ITALY English,French, Spanish, Italian.

The European Muslim League established the International Academy of Diplomatic Action in 2018 to have an operational arm in which all religious representatives and career and retired diplomats can participate in the prevention of social and religious conflicts and the dissemination of the values of respect thinking of states and peoples. religions.
Starting from 2022, the International Academy of Diplomatic Action also called IADA, under the Presidency of Dr. Alfredo Maiolese (also President of the EML) and the General Management of Dr. Enrico Gervasoni (former strategic advisor of the EML and consultant for relations with the Vatican), has renewed and expanded its structure by involving non-Muslim individual and institutional realities as members and partners, in application of the cooperation with States, Peoples and Religions which represents one of the pillars of IADA's diplomatic action.
In addition to activating and carrying out missions, in a active diplomacy to promote peace and development while safeguarding human rights and social and religious values.  the Academy also has an educational and training role, organizing seminars, conferences on various topics and courses and updates in the diplomatic field.

La Ligue Musulmane Européenne a créé l'Académie internationale d'action diplomatique en 2018 pour disposer d'un bras opérationnel dans lequel tous les représentants religieux et les diplomates de carrière et à la retraite peuvent participer à la prévention des conflits sociaux et religieux et à la diffusion des valeurs de respect en pensant des États et des peuples. religions.
À partir de 2022, l'Académie internationale d'action diplomatique également appelée IADA, sous la présidence du Dr Alfredo Maiolese (ancien président de l'EML) et la Direction Générale du Dr Enrico Gervasoni (ancien conseiller stratégique de l'EML et consultant pour les relations avec Vatican), a renouvelé et élargi sa structure en impliquant des réalités individuelles et institutionnelles non musulmanes comme membres et partenaires, en application de la coopération avec les États, les Peuples et les Religions qui représente l'un des piliers de l'action diplomatique de la IADA.
Outre l'activation et la réalisation de missions, qui rentrent dans une diplomatie active pour promouvoir la paix et le développement tout en sauvegardant les droits de l'homme et les valeurs sociales et religieuses, l’Académie a également un rôle éducatif et de formation, organisant des séminaires, des conférences, des cours et des mises à jour dans le domaine diplomatique.

La Liga Musulmana Europea estableció la Academia Internacional de Acción Diplomática en 2018 para tener un brazo operativo en el que todos los representantes religiosos y diplomáticos de carrera y jubilados puedan participar en la prevención de conflictos sociales y religiosos y la difusión de los valores de respeto pensando en los estados y pueblos religiones

 A partir de 2022, la Academia Internacional de Acción Diplomática también llamada IADA, bajo la Presidencia del Dr. Alfredo Maiolese (también Presidente de la EML) y la Dirección General del Dr. Enrico Gervasoni (ex asesor estratégico de la EML y consultor de relaciones con el Vaticano), ha renovado y ampliado su estructura involucrando a realidades individuales e institucionales no musulmanas como miembros y socios, en aplicación de la cooperación con los Estados, Pueblos y Religiones que representa uno de los pilares de la acción diplomática de la IADA.

 Además de activar y realizar misiones, en una diplomacia activa para promover la paz y el desarrollo salvaguardando los derechos humanos y los valores sociales y religiosos. la Academia también tiene una función educativa y formativa, organizando seminarios, conferencias sobre diversos temas y cursos y actualizaciones en el campo diplomático.

 La Lega Musulmana Europea ha istituito nel 2018 l'Accademia Internazionale di Azione Diplomatica per avere un braccio operativo in cui tutti i rappresentanti religiosi e i diplomatici in carriera e in pensione possano partecipare alla prevenzione dei conflitti sociali e religiosi e alla diffusione dei valori del rispetto pensando agli Stati e ai popoli . religioni.
A partire dal 2022, l'Accademia Internazionale di Azione Diplomatica detta anche solo IADA, sotto al Presidenza del Dr. Alfredo Maiolese (già Presidente della EML) e la Direzione Generale del Dr. Enrico Gervasoni (già consigliere strategico della EML e consulente per i rapporti col Vaticano), ha rinnovato e allargato la propria struttura coinvolgendo come membri e partner anche delle realtà individuali e istituzionali non musulmane, in applicazione della cooperazione con Stati, Popoli e Religioni che rappresenta uno dei pilastri della azione diplomatica della IADA.  
L'Accademia oltre ad attivare e compiere missioni, rientranti in una diplomazia attiva per favorire la pace e lo sviluppo salvaguardando i diritti umani ed i valori sociali e religiosi. ha anche un compito educativo e formativo, organizzando seminari, convegni, corsi e aggiornamenti in ambito diplomatico.

sabato 10 giugno 2023


Our Deputy Vice President Imam Nader Akkad participated in an international conference on the theme: the importance of returning to dialogue. The Jesuit father, director of the Veritas Center, Luciano Larivera reaffirmed the importance of returning to dialogue between nations and institutions, asserting that "religions are a resource for diplomacy" and therefore "GeoAdriatico can also help in this sense".

mercoledì 7 giugno 2023


The office of the Presidency has issued a note on the political and social events affecting Senegal.

venerdì 12 maggio 2023


Our Representative and Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj partecipated to the cultural conference which served as a platform for researchers, educators and all other practitioners to highlight their research, thoughts and experiences on the impact of technology on cultural values ​​and norms. 
This Second Global Conference on Intercultural Tolerance which was took place in the Innovative Scientific Park of UBT in Lipjan, under the organization of UBT and the International Foundation for Tolerance, has successfully completed the works.

giovedì 20 aprile 2023


This year we want to celebrate Aid from Czech Republic.
The President of European Muslim League Dr. Alfredo Maiolese, the Secretary-General Dr. Yvonne Ridley, Vice President Vicar Dr. Nader Akkad, Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj and all the EML members wish happy Aid  to all Muslims around the world. 

venerdì 14 aprile 2023


Our Vice President of European Muslim League Dr. Arben Ramkaj had spoken to this important conference organized by Mufti of Elbasan organized in the field of Islamic science, with the theme "Quran and its Interpretation in Modern Societies". This conference was attended by Mufti, scholars, elders and well-known personalities of Albania.
The opening speech was delivered by the President of the Albanian Muslim Community, H. Bujar Spahiu, who spoke about the role of interpreting the Koran in modern society. He expressed his view that the Qur'an should be given an interpretation suitable to the current times and circumstances so that its messages are understandable and usable for today's humanity.
H. Agim Duka - Mufti of Elbasan, Dr. Arben Ramkaj - Member of EML and  General Council at KMSH too. This session was moderated by Msc. Eralda Çota – Theologian.
Important issues such as:
How should the Qur'an be understood today in Albanian society, taking into consideration the changing nature of the modern world in meeting the development needs of these societies?
What are the shortcomings that must be overcome by Muslims as mediators of the Koran, so that the Word of God is important in the Albanian public discourse?
What are the unique attributes of the Qur'an as the Word of Allah, such that serving them or neglecting them, determines success or failure?
What is the conceptual worldview basis of the Quran? What are the Quranic Concepts that the Albanian man and the Albanian society need?
What are the methodological shortcomings that have prevented the interaction between the life of Muhammad a.s. and the Word of Allah, serve as the main model for Muslims to interact with our time?

mercoledì 12 aprile 2023


Presidency of European Muslim League, the President Amb. Alfredo Maiolese, the Vicar Vice President Dr. Nader Akkad, the Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj, the Secretary General Dr.Yvonne Ridley, together with all the members of EML, are glad to announce the nomination of new Ambassador of Peace in Germany.
Congratulations to Dr. Senso Osmanovic for this important role. Here with H.E. Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of Vatican.

domenica 9 aprile 2023


The Islamic Community of Genoa organized a public Iftar in the center of the city, also inviting non-Muslims to continue the dialogue and mutual understanding. Here Ambassador Alfredo Maiolese President of the EML and coordinator of the Islamic Community with the Mayor of Genoa Dr. Marco Bucci and the Assessor for social policies Dr. Lorenza Rossi, who explains the importance of fasting.

giovedì 6 aprile 2023


Members and peace ambassadors from the European Muslim League have been shocked and dismayed by the images of soldiers violating all forms of humanity during an attack on Masjid Al-Aqsa, the third holiest site in Islam.
That these violations happened during our blessed Holy month of Ramadan on Palestinians inside the Qibla-e-Awaal, is all the more concerning.
While showing our support to the Palestinian people, especially those worshippers injured in the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound on Wednesday evening, Muslims around the world were upset that, during the holy month of Ramadan, the Israeli police showed no respect or restrain during the mosque raid in Jerusalem that left at least 12 Palestinians injured. 
In addition, at least 400 Palestinians were arrested on Wednesday and remain in Israeli custody, according to Palestinian officials. They are being held at a police station in Atarot in occupied East Jerusalem. 
We call on European governments and the wider international community to take urgent action to protect Palestinians & their legitimate human rights. EML also urges the United Nations to take strong actions.
We welcome those countries that have already intervened but more needs to be done. 
Here in Europe we welcomed the international pressure placed upon countries which act against human rights.
Therefore EML respectfully asks for similar measured responses in condemning this week's Israeli aggression and occupation. 
At EML we will always stand with the oppressed and give a voice to the voiceless which is why, today, we stand in solidarity with the Palestinians and urge the rest o the world to allow them to continue their worship  in the holy month of Ramadan. 
In the meantime, we urge all Muslims in Europe to show restraint and pray for peace in Palestine.


Halfway through the holy month of Ramadan, we like to recall some passages from the Holy Quran.

In the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the alternation of night and day, in the ship that sails the seas loaded with what is useful to men, in the water that Allah sends down from heaven, reviving the dead earth and spreading animals of all kinds, in the changing of the winds and in the clouds forced to stay between the heavens and the earth, there are signs in all of this for people endowed with intellect. Sura 2.164


Our Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj  partecipated on invitation of the Interreligious Coollaboration Center to an iftar as a sign of respect for the Magnificent month of Ramadan and the Muslim faithful. The director of the CVE center, Mr. Denion Meidani and esteemed colleagues of the Center for the Prevention of Violent Extremism. Ambassador Valter Ibrahimi, the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, Mr. Robert Gajda, Director of the State Agency for the Rights and Protection of Children, Mrs. Alma Tandilli, deputy The President of the Muslim Community of Albania, Mr. Taulant Bica, the Director of the Institute for Democracy and Mediation, Mr. Sotiraq Hroni, Director of the Institute for International Relations, Mrs. Alba Cela, Mrs. Alma Katragjini, Mr. Redion Qiriazi, Mr. Seit Fishta and many representatives, friends and well-wishers of the Center for Interreligious Cooperation. In his speech, the executive director Mr. Sokol Lulgjuraj declared that this iftar of religious communities, state institutions and civil society proves once again the special values ​​that the Albanian people carry in the promotion of tolerance, harmony and the natural coexistence that characterizes us.

martedì 4 aprile 2023


Presidency of European Muslim League, the President Amb. Alfredo Maiolese, the Vicar Vice President Dr. Nader Akkad, the Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj, the Secretary General Dr.Yvonne Ridley, together with all the members of EML, are glad to announce the nomination of new Ambassador of Peace in Iceland.
Congratulations to Dr. Imam Karim Askari for this important role in his Country. 

sabato 1 aprile 2023


Presidency of European Muslim League, the President Amb. Alfredo Maiolese, the Vicar Vice President Dr. Nader Akkad, the Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj, the Secretary General Dr.Yvonne Ridley, together with all the members of EML, are glad to announce the nomination of new Ambassador of Peace in Malta.
Congratulations to Dr. Bader Zina for this important role. 

lunedì 27 marzo 2023


Presidency of European Muslim League, the President Amb. Alfredo Maiolese, the Vicar Vice President Dr. Nader Akkad, the Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj, the Secretary General Dr.Yvonne Ridley, together with all the members of EML, are glad to announce the nomination of new Ambassador of Peace in Finland.
Congratulations to Mufti Dr. Walid Ramez Hammoud for this important role. 

giovedì 23 marzo 2023


Our Ambassador for Peace in Guyana Sh Moeenul Hack sworn in as chairman of the Ethnic Relations Committee.  We thank Ambassador Hack for his contribution to respect for other cultures, ethnicities and religions.

mercoledì 22 marzo 2023


This year we want to celebrate Ramadan from Croatia.

The President of European Muslim League Dr. Alfredo Maiolese,  the Secretary-General Dr. Yvonne Ridley,  Vice President Vicar Dr. Nader Akkad, Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj and all the EML members wish happy Ramadan to all Muslims around the world. 

May Almighty Allah grant serenity, prosperity and Paradise. 

lunedì 20 marzo 2023


|Our Vice President Dr.Arben Ramkaj partecipated to the  First International Symposium on Crime Prevention in Tirana successfully brought together over 100 local and international experts, researchers, practitioners, policy makers, law enforcement agencies and civil society representatives for 3 consecutive days. 

Their aim was to share their experiences and discuss innovative alternatives to prevent the activity of criminal groups in recruiting young people and to create sustainable solutions to prevent irregular migration. 

The participants discussed a variety of topics and practices, including identification of young people at risk, communication campaigns to debunk the myths around crime, involvement of local communities, multilateral cooperation to adapt best practices at the local level, and the inclusion of studies and research in the design of programs. 
During the symposium, the participants emphasized the need for local interventions that prioritize young people and strengthen their sense of belonging and empowerment. Effective cooperation with different actors at the local and national level and the creation of partnerships were highlighted as necessary forms to respond to the needs of young people and the community, and to identify and protect those who are at risk of entering a life of crime.
The British Embassy in Tirana, the Perspektiva të Reja - New Perspectives project, and the RAYS, Reconnecting Albanian Youth and Society project co-organized the symposium. It laid the foundations of a tradition that will be repeated in the following years to come.

mercoledì 15 marzo 2023


The President of European Muslims League dr. Alfredo Maiolese partecipated on invitation of the World Muslim League to the First Conference of European and British Muslim Leaders on Community, Solidarity, and a Shared Human Future under the Charter of Makkah. Amb Maiolese had discussed about the role of the woman inside and outside family and the efforts to spread the values of morality and education which are defined in Islam religion. 

domenica 12 marzo 2023


Presidency of European Muslim League, the President Amb. Alfredo Maiolese, the Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj, the Secretary General Dr.Yvonne Ridley, together with all the members of EML, are glad to announce the nomination of Vicar Vice President and new Ambassador of Peace in Europe.
Congratulations to Imam Dr. Nader Akkad for this important role. 
Here Prof. Nader Akkad with President and Secretary General of EML.

domenica 19 febbraio 2023


Presidency of European Muslim League, the President Amb. Alfredo Maiolese, the Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj, the Secretary General Dr.Yvonne Ridley, together with all the members of EML, are glad to announce the nomination of a new Ambassador of Peace in Pakistan.
Congratulations to Dr.Muhammad Hamza Suhail for this important role in his Country.

mercoledì 15 febbraio 2023


Our Ambassador of Peace in Panama Dr. Jamal Yusef Saker Darwish, with the support of many brothers and sisters, have forwarded 70 electric generators by air, in coordination with the Embassy of Turkey and Turkish AirLines🇵🇦🇹🇷
  Allah reward all those who have made this possible🤲

domenica 12 febbraio 2023


The first Koran memorization course for new Muslims was held. We thank all the teachers and students who took part. May Allah reward you for your efforts. Special thanks to our Ambassador Kassem Mohammed Tayjan for his work in supporting the Islamic community of Venezuela. In the Holy Quran Surah Az-Zumar Allah* says: Are those who know and those who do not know equal?

sabato 11 febbraio 2023


Our Vice President and representative of EML in Albania Dr. Arben Ramkaj had participated in Western Balkans Regional Hab activity, organized by the Network of Strong Cities in Sarajevo. He had the opportunity to discuss the local situation of hatred and extremism with a special focus on the perspectives of local leadership. The group also had the opportunity to reflect on the regional mapping of strong cities for the Western Balkans in relation to the security issues, recommendations and the possibility of their applicability in different contexts in the region.