mercoledì 18 ottobre 2023


Horrendous and yet another attack that we condemn and which has no religious motivation. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict in its complexity and at the same time clarity must not lead Muslims around the world to kill people who have nothing to do with the war or the injustices of states or extremist parties. Religion is an instrument of worship and respect and not a weapon of destruction. The EML, its President Amb Alfredo Genova and the General Secretary Dr. Yvonne Ridley invite the community of believers to respect their religion and not make distorted and inappropriate use of it. It is not in the name of God that poor innocent people are barbarically killed. Allah uakbar - God is the Greatest - must be said with love and respect and not as an incitement or slogan to murder others.
They also extend condolences to the families of the two fans of the national football team and the people of Sweden.
Horrible et encore une attaque que nous condamnons et qui n’a aucune motivation religieuse. Le conflit israélo-palestinien, dans sa complexité et en même temps sa clarté, ne doit pas conduire les musulmans du monde entier à tuer des gens qui n'ont rien à voir avec la guerre ou les injustices des États ou des partis extrémistes. La religion est un instrument de culte et de respect et non une arme de destruction. L'EML, son président Amb Alfredo Genova et la secrétaire générale Dr. Yvonne Ridley invitent la communauté des croyants à respecter leur religion et à ne pas en faire un usage déformé et inapproprié. Ce n’est pas au nom de Dieu que de pauvres innocents sont tués de manière barbare. Allah ouakbar – Dieu est le plus grand – doit être prononcé avec amour et respect et non comme une incitation ou un slogan au meurtre d'autrui.
 Ils présentent également leurs condoléances aux familles des deux supporters de l'équipe nationale de football et au peuple suédois.
Orrendo, l'ennesimo attacco che condanniamo e che non ha alcuna motivazione religiosa. Il conflitto israelo-palestinese nella sua complessità e allo stesso tempo nella sua chiarezza non deve portare i musulmani di tutto il mondo a uccidere persone che non hanno nulla a che fare con la guerra o con le ingiustizie di Stati o partiti estremisti. La religione è uno strumento di culto e di rispetto e non un’arma di distruzione. L'EML, il suo Presidente Amb Alfredo Genova e il Segretario Generale Dott.ssa Yvonne Ridley invitano la comunità dei credenti a rispettare la propria religione e a non farne un uso distorto e inappropriato. Non è in nome di Dio che dei poveri innocenti vengono barbaramente uccisi. Allah uakbar - Dio è il più Grande - deve essere detto con amore e rispetto e non come incitamento o slogan all'omicidio degli altri.
Esprimono inoltre le nostre condoglianze alle famiglie dei due tifosi della nazionale di calcio e al popolo svedese.

domenica 15 ottobre 2023


Nothing can have prepared the European Muslim League for the deluge of human misery that burst onto our TV screens in recent days from Israel and the occupied territories of Gaza.

The highest price, as in many wars and conflicts, is being paid by women and children, the elderly and the invalided.

It goes without saying that we at EML are struggling to explain the tragic loss of so many innocents in Israel just as we are also struggling to try and understand the infinite destruction of Gaza.

"Humans are suffering on both sides and our great faith underlines, at all times, the preservation of life and not its destruction.

"It doesn't matter who you are or how you pray, we at EML believe in the preservation of life at all costs. There is simply no hierarchy in pain, suffering, and death. All lives are equally precious.

"We urge restraint on all sides and a swift, just intervention by the EU as well as Britain and America," said EML President Alfredo Maiolese.

EML Secretary General Dr Yvonne Ridley added: "I endorse everything our President says and would urge Muslims to remain true to our moral compass.

"Our brothers and sisters in Gaza are suffering and we must keep them in our prayers during this very dark period, but we must also think of our Jewish cousins who are no strangers to suffering either.

"We must put humanity first and assist wherever we can. Our prayers and thoughts go out to everyone in the Middle East. We must all focus on peace."

giovedì 5 ottobre 2023


Our Ambassador of Peace Dr. Aiman ​​Altaramsi was awarded with the most important award of the city of Peace for his high merits in spreading the values ​​of harmony between peoples and religions.  Congratulations to Ambassador Altaramsi from the Presidency of the EML and from all colleagues around the world.
Nuestro Embajador de la Paz Dr. Aiman ​​Altaramsi fue galardonado con el premio más importante de la ciudad de la Paz por sus altos méritos en la difusión de los valores de la armonía entre los pueblos y las religiones. Felicitaciones al Embajador Altaramsi de la Presidencia de la EML y de todos los colegas de todo el mundo.

martedì 3 ottobre 2023


On the occasion of the National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia our Ambassador Dr. Kassem Mohammed Tayjan was invited. Here Ambassador Tayjan with H.E. Ambassador Sr. Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Sihani of Saudi Arabia and H.E. Ambassador Sr. Elias Lopes of the Republic of Lebanon.

lunedì 2 ottobre 2023


The Presidency of European Muslim League, the President Amb. Alfredo Maiolese, the Vicar Vice President Dr. Nader Akkad, the Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj, the Secretary General Dr.Yvonne Ridley, together with all the members of EML, are glad to announce the nomination of new Ambassador of Peace in the State of Kuwait. 
Congratulations to Eng.Waleed Farrag Al Ghanim for this important role. Eng Al Ghanim, boasts a long experience as a state servant, accompanied by profound honesty, rectitude and professionalism and was an enlightening example, serving the State of Kuwait for many years as Deputy Minister of Public Works.

domenica 1 ottobre 2023


Our Ambassador of Peace and Vice President of European Muslim League Dr. Arben Ramkaj partecipated at the Conference "Interreligious Dialogue "Albania's Contribution to the Balkans" organized by the Center for Interreligious Studies of the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Center for Interreligious Cooperation in Elbasan was held today at the Gregorian University in Rome.
The meeting was moderated by Prof. Ambrogio Buongiovanni, Director of the Center for Interreligious Studies at the Gregorian, while the welcoming words were given by P. Pino di Luccio, Vice Rector of the Gregorian University, Prof. Dr. Skënder Topi, rector of "Aleksandër Xhuvani" University, Mons. Indunil J. K. Kodithuwakku, secretary of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue in the Vatican, Francesco Di Nitto, Italian ambassador to the Vatican, Majlinda Dodaj, Ambassador of Albania to the Vatican and Dr. Arben Ramkaj, also
President of the Center for Interreligious Cooperation in Elbasan.

Next, the session was opened by Dom Dorian Mjeshtri, Coordinator of the Interreligious Cooperation Center in Elbasan, who spoke about the challenges of this dialogue. Mario Imperatori, dean of the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Naples, focused on the identity of interreligious dialogue between politics and theology.
Italian diplomat Andrea Benzo, head of the religious freedom and interreligious dialogue department at the Italian foreign ministry, spoke about religious freedom and the dialogue between universal values ​​and local specifics. Dr. Rudina Çollaku, head of the women's department at the Center for Interreligious Cooperation, brought an overview of the meeting culture of two religious communities after the fall of communism.
Finally, the dean of Philosophy of the Pontifical Gregorian University presented religious and secular relativism through challenges and opportunities.