martedì 27 giugno 2023


This year we want to celebrate Aid Adha from San Marino
The President of European Muslim League Dr. Alfredo Maiolese, the Secretary-General Dr. Yvonne Ridley, Vice President Vicar Dr. Nader Akkad, Vice President Dr. Arben Ramkaj and all the EML members wish happy Aid  to all Muslims around the world. 

sabato 24 giugno 2023


Speech of our Ambassador of Peace in Guyana 
 Sheikh Moeenul Hack

Draft statement to be delivered by Sheikh Moeenul Hack, Chairman of the Ethnic Relations Commission, at the thematic roundtable titled “Recognizing and Addressing Systemic and Structural Racism: A Data-Driven and Evidence-Based Approach”
1 June 2023

The “One Guyana” approach seeks to ensure ethnic harmony and that no one is left behind. Accurate data is therefore critical to identifying disparities and whether systemic and structural racism exists. And to develop effective responses to achieve equality for all Guyanese of which over 30% are people of African descent.
In addition to periodic censuses, an evidence-based approach to addressing racism requires targeted measures.
This is why our Parliament established the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC), a constitutional body mandated to promote the elimination of all forms of discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, and to investigate complaints and provide redress as necessary. This body can recommend policies and progammes to the Parliament to address disparities.
Yesterday, Mr. Darren Wade from IPADA-G made serious allegations, which in my capacity as Chair of the Ethnic Relations Commission, behooves me to respond.
In his accusation of racism, he said Guyana imposed visas on our Haitian brothers and sisters. The fact is, 12 of the 14 CARICOM countries require visas. Three (3) of these countries removed visa restrictions for Haitians then re-instated it, including Guyana in 2021. The CARICOM Secretary-General in the same year said there is growing evidence that Haitians are being trafficked. In Guyana’s case, a bi-partisan Parliamentary Committee found evidence that Haitians were being trafficked through Guyana to third countries. In 2021, 12 Haitians were rescued after being abandoned by traffickers in our forests.
Regarding Guyana giving preferential treatment to nationals of three Asian countries, and not Haitians. This is not so. The nationals of these countries also require ordinary visas to enter Guyana. As for the Court case, this was a deportation order that was quashed and the persons were ordered released. It was not about reinstating a visa-free regime.
We can only eliminate racism if we are willing to dialogue and work together.
We welcome international cooperation to share experiences and build capacity.
I thank you.

martedì 13 giugno 2023

BERGAMO, ITALY English,French, Spanish, Italian.

The European Muslim League established the International Academy of Diplomatic Action in 2018 to have an operational arm in which all religious representatives and career and retired diplomats can participate in the prevention of social and religious conflicts and the dissemination of the values of respect thinking of states and peoples. religions.
Starting from 2022, the International Academy of Diplomatic Action also called IADA, under the Presidency of Dr. Alfredo Maiolese (also President of the EML) and the General Management of Dr. Enrico Gervasoni (former strategic advisor of the EML and consultant for relations with the Vatican), has renewed and expanded its structure by involving non-Muslim individual and institutional realities as members and partners, in application of the cooperation with States, Peoples and Religions which represents one of the pillars of IADA's diplomatic action.
In addition to activating and carrying out missions, in a active diplomacy to promote peace and development while safeguarding human rights and social and religious values.  the Academy also has an educational and training role, organizing seminars, conferences on various topics and courses and updates in the diplomatic field.

La Ligue Musulmane Européenne a créé l'Académie internationale d'action diplomatique en 2018 pour disposer d'un bras opérationnel dans lequel tous les représentants religieux et les diplomates de carrière et à la retraite peuvent participer à la prévention des conflits sociaux et religieux et à la diffusion des valeurs de respect en pensant des États et des peuples. religions.
À partir de 2022, l'Académie internationale d'action diplomatique également appelée IADA, sous la présidence du Dr Alfredo Maiolese (ancien président de l'EML) et la Direction Générale du Dr Enrico Gervasoni (ancien conseiller stratégique de l'EML et consultant pour les relations avec Vatican), a renouvelé et élargi sa structure en impliquant des réalités individuelles et institutionnelles non musulmanes comme membres et partenaires, en application de la coopération avec les États, les Peuples et les Religions qui représente l'un des piliers de l'action diplomatique de la IADA.
Outre l'activation et la réalisation de missions, qui rentrent dans une diplomatie active pour promouvoir la paix et le développement tout en sauvegardant les droits de l'homme et les valeurs sociales et religieuses, l’Académie a également un rôle éducatif et de formation, organisant des séminaires, des conférences, des cours et des mises à jour dans le domaine diplomatique.

La Liga Musulmana Europea estableció la Academia Internacional de Acción Diplomática en 2018 para tener un brazo operativo en el que todos los representantes religiosos y diplomáticos de carrera y jubilados puedan participar en la prevención de conflictos sociales y religiosos y la difusión de los valores de respeto pensando en los estados y pueblos religiones

 A partir de 2022, la Academia Internacional de Acción Diplomática también llamada IADA, bajo la Presidencia del Dr. Alfredo Maiolese (también Presidente de la EML) y la Dirección General del Dr. Enrico Gervasoni (ex asesor estratégico de la EML y consultor de relaciones con el Vaticano), ha renovado y ampliado su estructura involucrando a realidades individuales e institucionales no musulmanas como miembros y socios, en aplicación de la cooperación con los Estados, Pueblos y Religiones que representa uno de los pilares de la acción diplomática de la IADA.

 Además de activar y realizar misiones, en una diplomacia activa para promover la paz y el desarrollo salvaguardando los derechos humanos y los valores sociales y religiosos. la Academia también tiene una función educativa y formativa, organizando seminarios, conferencias sobre diversos temas y cursos y actualizaciones en el campo diplomático.

 La Lega Musulmana Europea ha istituito nel 2018 l'Accademia Internazionale di Azione Diplomatica per avere un braccio operativo in cui tutti i rappresentanti religiosi e i diplomatici in carriera e in pensione possano partecipare alla prevenzione dei conflitti sociali e religiosi e alla diffusione dei valori del rispetto pensando agli Stati e ai popoli . religioni.
A partire dal 2022, l'Accademia Internazionale di Azione Diplomatica detta anche solo IADA, sotto al Presidenza del Dr. Alfredo Maiolese (già Presidente della EML) e la Direzione Generale del Dr. Enrico Gervasoni (già consigliere strategico della EML e consulente per i rapporti col Vaticano), ha rinnovato e allargato la propria struttura coinvolgendo come membri e partner anche delle realtà individuali e istituzionali non musulmane, in applicazione della cooperazione con Stati, Popoli e Religioni che rappresenta uno dei pilastri della azione diplomatica della IADA.  
L'Accademia oltre ad attivare e compiere missioni, rientranti in una diplomazia attiva per favorire la pace e lo sviluppo salvaguardando i diritti umani ed i valori sociali e religiosi. ha anche un compito educativo e formativo, organizzando seminari, convegni, corsi e aggiornamenti in ambito diplomatico.

sabato 10 giugno 2023


Our Deputy Vice President Imam Nader Akkad participated in an international conference on the theme: the importance of returning to dialogue. The Jesuit father, director of the Veritas Center, Luciano Larivera reaffirmed the importance of returning to dialogue between nations and institutions, asserting that "religions are a resource for diplomacy" and therefore "GeoAdriatico can also help in this sense".

mercoledì 7 giugno 2023


The office of the Presidency has issued a note on the political and social events affecting Senegal.