lunedì 24 dicembre 2018


The Presidency of EML, The President Envoy Dr. Alfredo Maiolese, the Secretary- General Dr. Yvonne Ridley, convey the deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolence to the Government and  the bereaved families of Indonesia, for the tragic tsunami that has hit the country again.
Here Dr. Alfredo Maiolese with Hon. Dr. Muhammed Hidayat Nur Wahid, Vice President of Indonesia Parliament.

sabato 22 dicembre 2018


The Presidency of European Muslim League, the President, Envoy Dr. Alfredo Maiolese, the Secretary-General, Dr. Yvonne Ridley, together with all the members of EML, are glad to announce the nomination of a new Ambassador of Peace of EML, in Tanzania.
Congratulation to Sheikh Hassan Sedenga Said Chizenga for this important role in his Country.

martedì 18 dicembre 2018


The Presidency of European Muslim League, The President Dr. Alfredo Maiolese and the Secretary-General Dr. Yvonne Ridley, together will all the members of EML wordwide, are glad to announce the nomination of a new Ambassador of Peace in Maldives.
Congratulation to Sheikh Abulla Mohamed for this important role in his country.

mercoledì 12 dicembre 2018


The President of European Muslim League had partecipated to the Internationa Conference on Islamic Unity and Peace hold in Mecca.
The partecipants, scholars and diplomats from all over 120 countries, hold an important message of unity among muslims for avoiding the perils of labelling and exclusion and the support and respects for other religions.
Here Envoy Dr. Alfredo Maiolese with HE Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulkarim Alissa, Secretary-General of The Muslim World League.


Our Ambassador of Peace Mr. Irfanulla Khan, had been invited  by NGO'S
'Human & Institutional Development Forum' & 'Muslim Women's Forum.
The program was of interfaith about Understanding Islam.
Some of the other participating members were Mrs. Sayeeda Yousf ma'am from Delhi-India. She's heading various NGO's in Delhi-India. Also Mr.Reyaz Ahmad of BBC India, person  involved in documentary regarding 100 women.

lunedì 26 novembre 2018


EML Secretary General Yvonne Ridley, was the guest of honour for the opening of a girls’ orphanage at Urfa in Turkey. The project is funded by ICNA Relief Canada and was officially opened by Sr Ridley on November 25th. She was joined by Dr Fozia Alvi and Brother Shaukat Hussain, both from Canada, at the inaugural ceremony.
Sr Ridley said: “The world’s most famous orphan was our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and look what great achievements he made.
“When you walk through these doors graduating from little sisters to young women to start your new lives, remember you are the next generation, our ambassadors of hope for the future.
“And for that reason alone, I’m optimistic and see today as a new beginning.”

sabato 24 novembre 2018


Our representative in Ecuador Ambassador Prof. Yahya Juan Suquillo partecipated at the 31 edition of America-Latin Islamic Communities.
Many brothers from all the countries were present. In this occasion Cristian groups partecipated too. A good sign of interfaith dialogue.

sabato 10 novembre 2018


Remembering the Great War one hundred years on ... and the contribution made by Muslims
This Sunday it will be 100 years since the end of the Great War which is still impacting on all of our lives today, regardless of our nationalities, faith and beliefs.
Remembrance Day has a special significance for it marks 100 years since the signing of the Armistice on November 11 1918 at 11am, signalling the end of World War One.
As more than 60 world leaders prepare to gather in Paris to mark the centenary anniversary it is right we at the European Muslim League should also remember and honour those who paid the ultimate sacrifice as allies in Europe especially on the Western Front.
The European Muslim League joins in this period of reflection to honour all of those who sacrificed their lives regardless of their faith, but we would also like to use this solemn occasion to highlight the contribution made by Muslims as well. Their sacrifice is often overlooked but the truth is thousands of Muslims fought and died for the history and security of Europe.
While the far-right narrative tends to airbrush these facts from history the EML feels it is timely to remember the global contribution made by Muslim soldiers during World War One when more than four million Muslims either fought or served from around the world. 

Sadly the full diversity of everyone who took part in the First World War tends to be overlooked and now that the anniversary is upon us we should use this as a timely reminder of the contribution made by Muslims many of whom paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we in Europe enjoy today.

The international Muslim community also needs to use this weekend as a time to reflect and recognise the enormous contribution made by Muslims who fought in a war not of their making.

domenica 28 ottobre 2018


Today the European Muslim League reaches out to reassure all of our Jewish friends that we stand in solidarity with them following the worst anti-Semitic attack in American history.

Eleven people died when a white supremacist gunman, shouting "all Jews must die," burst into a Pittsburgh synagogue during a circumcision ceremony on Saturday. The three women and eight men killed included a 97-year-old woman. Six others, including three police officers, were injured. 

This act of pure evil appears to have been motivated by acts of kindness because the Tree of Life synagogue was one of many participating in special Shabbat services designed to reach out and help today's refugees.

The suspect had left a trail of anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim messages on social media, including sharing posts denying the Holocaust. Anti-Semitism, like Islamophobia, is on the rise across America and Europe but we must not let this bigotry and hatred destroy or divide us.

We urge politicians and their leaders across the US and Europe to acknowledge that in this time of divisive politics it is all to easy to fuel religious and race hate with careless rhetoric. Respect and kindness are universal values we should promote towards one another.

No matter who we are, whether we have religious beliefs or not, we must all come together regardless of ethnicity, skin colour or race and stand as one against the sort of evil we saw unfold in Pittsburgh on Saturday. We must protect one another and make sure that we all feel safe in our communities as we go about our business.

sabato 15 settembre 2018


Today in Bengalore our Ambassador of Peace Mr. Ifanullah Khan, has introduced to Dr.Asif Iqbal Executive President IETO-Indian Economic Trade Organisation,  and to the representatives of AMP- "Association of Muslim Professionals" EML- "European  Muslims League" Mission. It's being planned in the near future  to conduct (EML & AMP) jointly a programme of Intellectuals regarding SDG - "Sustainable Development Goals" for the Community.

lunedì 20 agosto 2018


EML Eid Message

As Muslim pilgrims from around the world gather in Makkah to perform Hajj the European Muslim League would like to wish everyone both there and at home a blessed Eid Al Adha.

However this is also a time for reflection and we at EML can not let this period pass without pausing to think about those who may also remember this time as a period of hardship, strife and grief.

Our thoughts are especially with those hit by unprecedented floods in India, multiple earthquakes in Indonesia and the horrific bridge collapse in Italy as well as the ongoing humanitarian crisis through the ongoing wars and conflict in the Middle East.

Closer to home in Europe we are seeing a rise in Islamophobia, anti-semitism and other forms of racism and discrimination designed to harm and hurt.

The simple white cloth worn by those performing the annual Hajj serves to remind us that all humans are equal and we should strive to treat each other with kindness, respect and tolerance ready to give a helping hand when needed.

This forms part of the principles and values of EML and its worldwide membership. So to all those of Faith and no faith our message today is one of peace and unity as we extend the greetings of Eid Al Adha to all.

sabato 18 agosto 2018


The European Muslim League  was invited to participate in the funeral of State following the collapse of the Morandi bridge in Genoa. The highest authorities of the Italian Republic were present and the President of European Parliament Hon. Antonio Tajani.
Here Alfredo Maiolese President of EML with H.E. Angelo Bagnasco archbishop of Genova who celebrated the funeral.

venerdì 10 agosto 2018


EML condemns language used in British nikab row

There are already serious concerns about institutionalised Islamophobia within the ranks of the British Conservative political party and this has been further fuelled by hurtful comments made by former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson comparing women who wear the niqab to "letter boxes" and "bank robbers".

So far, British Prime Minister Theresa May as well as the party's chairman Brandon Lewis have called on Johnson to apologise and additional pressure has been exerted by other senior members of the party including Baroness Sayeeda Warsi who fears his views over the nikab could trigger a rise in hate crime. 

Sadly the calls so far have been met with silence from the controversial politician who has a history of making Islamophobic comments including "Islam is the problem." 

The European Muslim League would like to express its disappointment over the whole Johnson affair which centres on an article over the decision by Denmark to join several other European countries in banning the niqab and burqa.

It is ironic that Johnson condemned the move but then chose hateful language to describe what he personally thought of Muslim women who choose to wear such garments.

EML agrees with the many human right groups who feel the bans against face veils in Europe are neither necessary nor proportionate. We also feel that many Muslim communities in Europe will be hurt and anxious over Johnson's personal views about the nikab and an early apology might go some way to diffusing the situation and easing the pain caused.

venerdì 13 luglio 2018


A delegation of EML partecipated yesterday to the funeral of HE Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran involved from many years in the interfaith dialogue with other religions. Here our member Dr. Semso Osmanovic with the Secretary of State HE Bishop Pietro Parolin.

lunedì 9 luglio 2018


EML Secretary General Yvonne Ridley (I. Orange) at the British Parliament today where she addressed a meeting hosted by Lord Nazir Ahmed on international Islamic diplomacy.

mercoledì 20 giugno 2018


The President of EML Dr. Alfredo Maiolese, met in Piacenza the Grand  Mufti Emeritus of Bosnia Prof. Mustafa Ceric. They discussed the important role of European Muslim League for the muslim communities. The Mufti is also a member of the EML International Academy.

domenica 17 giugno 2018


The International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief (IPPFoRB) organized a workshop in Bucarest, Romania.
In this informal network of lawmakers and members of Parliaments from all over the world, engaged in fighting against religious persecution and for the freedom of beliefs and faith, also takes part the Inter-Religious Collaboration Center (IRCC). In the workshop, with 40 lawmakers and representatives of civil society from Balkan and Southern Caucasia, matters related to freedom of faith and belief in the two regions are being discussed. The representative of European Muslim League in Albania, Dr. Arben Ramkaj, and head of Inter-Religious Collaboration Center had been invited to the important event.

giovedì 14 giugno 2018


As the Muslim world approaches the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan, the President Alfredo Maiolese, the Secretary General Yvonne Ridley and the European Muslim League would like to wish all our brothers and sisters across Europe and beyond Eid Mubarak.

We have observed this blessed month not only as a time of fasting but also a spiritual period in which we have time to reflect on we conduct ourselves among our families and the wider world.

Eid-ul-Fitr will signal a day of celebration and an opportunity to share that joy with families and friends but it is also a time when we reach out and show solidarity and support to all those less fortunate including people of faith and no faith trapped in war and conflict zones or buckling under the yoke of tyranny.

EML wishes all Muslims a joyous Eid-ul-Fitr and we also extend our peace and goodwill to others no matter who you are or how you pray. 

Let us resolve to work together in a spirit of unity and tolerance, for building bridges in this troubled world is the only sure way of finding lasting solutions towards peace, harmony and a better life.

sabato 2 giugno 2018


On the occasion of the Italian Republic Day the President of EML Dr.Alfredo Maiolese expresses his most sincere wishes to the Italian Insititutions and popolation.


Our Ambassador of Peace in Ecuador Prof.Juan Suquillo organized the breaking of the fast inviting many muslims.
In this holy month of Ramadan after the fast is a joy eat together in the Mosque.

martedì 22 maggio 2018


The Secretary-General Miss Yvonne Ridley visited the muslim women community of Canada. She discussed the situation of refugees coming from other countries and the important role of muslim women in the canadian society. Here with Dr. Fozia Albi.

lunedì 21 maggio 2018


The President Of EML Dr. Alfredo Maiolese has visited the great mosque of Caracas. The relations of Muslims in Venezuela with other religions are exemplary and worthy of being remembered.

giovedì 17 maggio 2018


During the months of rexheb shaban, during preparations for the month of Ramadan, the Woman Center has held a number of cultural-social and religious activities in different departments and cities of Albania.
Some of them are:
1- Documentary about the values ​​of glorifying the emblems of religion, -the documentary which was introduced in the districts.
2- In cooperation with the women's sector in Kosovo, Woman Center there was organized  the symposium “The values ​​and benefits of the culinary”
3- The "Ramadan Atmosphere" program is a tradition of every year organized a day before Ramadan through which emotions and information is spread on how to use a prosperous Ramadan.
We thank our member Miss Rudina R. for her efforts in Albania.

martedì 15 maggio 2018


The leadership of the European Muslim League today condemns what can only be described as a massacre of those Palestinian civilians who protested the move of the American embassy to Jerusalem, and the expulsion of Palestnians from their homes 70 years ago.These civilians took to the streets in the spirit of Gandhi-style resistance, as is their right under international law. That Ramadan is nearly upon us, their actions were all the more poignant in this latest dark chapter in Middle Eastern politics.

Today the funerals begin of nearly 60 Palestinians who were targeted and shot dead largely at the cross hairs of Israeli snipers while another 2700 Palestinians were injured.

It is also worth noting our condemnation is matched by the words of many European leaders and from other countries around the world and we also join them in calling for restraint by Israel.

French President Emmanuel Macron condemned the violence Israeli armed forces meted out to Palestinian protesters and called for restraint and de-escalation during his phone calls with Jordanian King Abdullah II and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, according to the French presidency in a statement.

He also reiterated France's disapproval of the American decision to open an embassy in Jerusalem, in the particular context of the 70th anniversary of Israel's independence and the commemoration of exile for many Palestinian families.

"The status of Jerusalem can only be determined between the parties, in a framework negotiated under the auspices of the international community," Macron said.

Israel's actions were also condemned or criticised by the Britain, Germany, Turkey, Lebanon and other nations, which is welcomed by EML as was Kuwait's decision to draft a UN Security Council statement calling for an independent inquiry into the violence. Sadly this was blocked by the US. Meanwhile Russia said it was watching closely, adding that the Palestinian death toll could not "but provoke the deepest concern." 

South Africa also acted by recalling its Israeli ambassador.

Once again the EML joins in the universal calls for restraint and calm. Our thoughts go out to the families of the dead and injured following the massacre. Ramadan is almost here and this blessed month will prove more challenging than ever for those who've lost their loved ones.


We cannot be silent against the tragedy which has hitten and killed Christians in Surabaya.
How can God asks to human beings to kill others in His name of in the name of religion?
How do you kill yourself and your family and pretend to go to Paradise?

lunedì 14 maggio 2018


Once again, it is with sadness, that the European Muslim League reaches out in solidarity to the French people in the wake of a deadly knife attack in central Paris on Saturday evening.

No one, whatever their nationality, should have to pay the blood price. More than 230 French people have been killed by Daesh-inspired terrorists in the past three years.

Our friends in Europe know very well that EML will always stand with the victims of terror and their families. These vile attacks may be carried out in the name of religion but we all know these atrocities bear no relation to Islam or any other faith.

French President Emmanuel Macron has said that his people "will not give an inch to the enemies of freedom" and it is a sentiment we at EML fully endorse. In the meantime our thoughts and sympathies go out to all of the families of those affected by this deadly act.

domenica 13 maggio 2018


Our Ambassador of Peace Prof.Juan Francisco Suquillo Carrera partecipated at the IMCC - International Muslim Communities Congress.

sabato 12 maggio 2018


On invitation of ADR Mediaform, agency accredited to the Ministry of Justice of the Italian Republic, in presence of judges,laywers, military and police forces, the President of EML, Dr Alfredo Maiolese, spoke about the role of European Muslim League, in preventing social and civilization conflicts.

domenica 6 maggio 2018


The President of EML Dr. Alfredo Maiolese had partecipated on invitation of Bangla Community of Genova to the meeting for the realization of a school for children in the town.
The Bangla community is well integrated in the local society.

giovedì 3 maggio 2018

Bern, Switzerland

EML and Aurora International Journal had signed an agreement of collaboration.
All the members of EML, Ambassadors of Peace and Advisers of EML International Academy can write on the journal.
A special section dedicated to Islam in its authenticity, religion of respect for all the humanity, will be present  in the journal.
This is an important step for spreading the value of faith, morality and respect for other religions and to make the Islamic religion be known, without manipolations and exploitations.

mercoledì 2 maggio 2018


The President of EML Alfredo Maiolese has been invited by the World Organisation of the States for a meeting with delegations arrived by Ukraine, Congo Brazzaville, Argentina, Panama, Venezuela, U.S.A. Alfredo Maiolese supported harmony and respect with other religions and ask to organized a worldwide conference of peace.

sabato 28 aprile 2018


Our member Dr. Arben Ramkaj has partecipated to a Conference regarding tolerance and peace betweeen different religions, at the presence of H.E. the President of Republic of Albania.

mercoledì 25 aprile 2018


The General-Secretary Mrs. Yvonne Riddley has partecipated as panelist to a conference  supporting the women and their rights.

venerdì 13 aprile 2018


The President of EML Dr.Alfredo Maiolese during his visit in the State of Kuwait had received a prize for peace. Here with an officer from the Ministry of Education.

domenica 11 marzo 2018


Our Secretary-General Mrs Yvonne Ridley had been received by HE Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the first lady in the Presidential Palace.
Secretary Yvonne Ridley  presented the activities of European Muslim League in Europe and the important role of muslim women as a bridge of dialogue with other religions.

martedì 20 febbraio 2018


The President of European Muslim League Dr.Alfredo Maiolese has been invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar and the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue,  to the conference regarding Religions and Human Rights. More then 300 partecipants, diplomats and spiritual leaders arrived from many continents.

martedì 16 gennaio 2018


Our Ambassador of Peace Prof. Yahya Juan Suquillo had organized a conference on: "rights and obligations of migrants."
For this important theme, partecipated representatives of UNHCR , Human Rights , ONU and National Police.
Many points had been discussed such as the promotion of the integration of migrants and refugees.