sabato 8 maggio 2021



Eml Ambassador of Peace Prof. Yahya Juan Suquillo speaks to the Ecuadorian Armed Force.

*The Islamic Centre of Ecuador-Assalam Mosque in Quito. Dawah Vision 2021 -2026*


By the Grace of Allah a new innovative 180⁰ turn  Dawa method is  used for the first time in Latin America, to contribute for changing our Muslim paradigm. 


Bringing consciousness to the Ecuadorian Armed Forces, about the Bosnian Genocide in 1995. 

*Srebrenica is the name of the enclave in eastern Bosnia where Muslims  were massacred 26 years ago in Western Lands*

* 100.000 missing among them children and elderly 

* 2.5 million displayced 

* 8372 civilian assassinated, tortured shot and buried in mass graves 

* Thousands of rape women and its later consequences 

An unfortunately research brought  no results for media coverage at that time. Neither serios studies in universities or high schools about this particular subject up to now in Ecuador.  A high possibility about this reality may also happen in our neighboring countries 

The scenery chosen for the conference was the War Academy - 21st Ramadan 1441 / 03 May 2021 - were not only Ecuadorian officers were present but many other colleagues from different nationalities.

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