Basta basta basta con il terrorismo ......Aleppo, Berlino, Ankara.
La Lega dei Musulmani Europei condanna ogni azione commessa in nome dell'Islam, ma apre gli occhi affinché non si arrivi davvero ad uno scontro di religione e di civiltà, scontro voluto e ricercato da un sistema criminale.
Tutti questi attentati hanno una stessa regia e non sono di certo orchestrati da singoli gruppi, ma addestrati e coordinati da apparati deviati in grado di servirsi di notizie riservate, non di facile accesso, capaci di disporre di notevoli risorse economiche e tecnologiche.
Basta con l'usurpazione della religione, che si sta criminalizzando con affermazioni irresponsabili ed insensate che colpevolizzano un miliardo di musulmani.
Noi assistiamo a milioni di morti musulmani in varie zone del pianeta e nello stesso tempo a centinaia di morti in Europa anche musulmani.
Centinaia di uccisioni giornaliere in Iraq, Siria, Palestina, Afganistan, Yemen, Libia, Egitto, Burma ecc. non sono accompagnati da una giusta campagna giornalistica mediatica tranne qualche freelance illuminato ed appunto libero e non manipolato.
Si è arrivati persino a stigmatizzare il Corano, il Profeta Muhammed, enfatizzando che i musulmani siano pericolosi e che non è possibile convivere con la cultura occidentale.
Basta ....ognuno è libero di scegliere , la famiglia tradizionale o non si continui a criticare, chi fa della scelte contrarie a certe tendenze culturali diffuse ......spinto da una fede ed un amore per Iddio l'Altissimo.
È chiaro che il terrorismo non è islamico ma solo l'utilizzo delle parola ed è altrettanto evidente chi sono i veri responsabili.
Ad Aleppo nei giorno scorsi e negli ultimi sei anni, si è assistito all'ennesimo genocidio di stato appoggiato direttamente od indirettamente da altri stati sovrani, colpendo solo ed esclusivamente bambini donne e popolazione civile con la scusa del terrorismo.
Chi fa questo è un codardo, un vigliacco ma anche senza dubbio un criminale.....come chi ha ucciso a Berlino ed Ankara.
Il rispetto della vita che nell'Islam come nel Cristianesimo, è esaltato, viene messo a dura prova da coloro che si professano i paladini della giustizia e dei diritti umani facendosi portatori di valori....che fino ad oggi hanno provocato milioni di morti, distruzione di famiglie, milioni di orfani e di vedove, intere città scomparse. Da condannare non è la forma con la quale si uccide o il titolo ma l'effetto.
sabato 24 dicembre 2016
martedì 13 dicembre 2016
A clear and strong condemnation against criminals who have caused in Egypt unjustified deaths of 23 Christians in the Church of St. Mark in Cairo. Alfredo Maiolese, President of the European Muslims League, return from Strasbourg, participating in the Council of Europe 's, once again condemns this cowardly and heinous attack which physically affects Christians, but grieves and involves President Maiolese says: "Subjects, wicked and cowardly murdered poor inerm women, in a place of worship, which is inviolable in Islam and therefore an act to stigmatize and blame and a real profanation. Maiolese is worried about the possible repercussions that might occur with an increase in the West, intolerance towards Muslims, comes from a small but very dangerous. We must not fall into the trap Christians against Muslims or the West against the Middle East. The League of European Muslims for several years supports, along with public and private institutions in Italy and in Europe, an intense struggle for the prevention of social and religious conflicts that could be the cause of considerable collective damage, and a real clash of Civilization.
domenica 4 dicembre 2016
Our Ambassador of Peace, in Saudi Arabia Dr. Essa Al Rabeah, had partecipated on invitation of Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to an international conference.
Here, Dr Essa AL Rabeah with H.E. Mahathir Mohammed, previous Prime Minister of Malesia.
sabato 3 dicembre 2016
The President of European Muslims League dr. Alfredo Maiolese has been invited by UNICEF to give a lesson regarding prevention of social conflicts and the defence of children.
martedì 15 novembre 2016
Our member in Albania, Dr.Arben Ramkaj has signed an important document with the government.
The Muslims of Albania are together with the Nation against the terrorism and extremisme.
It is a good start for building a strong and peaceful State.
We thank the Albanian Institution for this important recognization for the excellent work of European Muslims League in the Balcan to defend peace and armony in the society.
mercoledì 9 novembre 2016
The President of European Muslims League, Alfredo Maiolese, had been invited to speak as expert to the Council of Europe.
The theme of conference: " The role of the education in the prevention of radicalisation leading to terrorism and violent exstremism. Many delegats had come from Europe.
martedì 1 novembre 2016
Jakarta Indonesia
The President of European Muslims League, Alfredo Maiolese, had been invited today by the President of Republic of Indonesia, in the occasion of an important peace forum holded in Jakarta.
mercoledì 26 ottobre 2016
The European Muslims League had organized an international conference regarding Religions and their role to prevent conflicts.
Many delegations came from many country.
Here Alfredo Maiolese with many guests.
sabato 8 ottobre 2016
Our representative in Albania, Dr. Arben Ramkaj has obteined with brillant results, a phd in international relations.
The Presidency and all the collegues of EML wish to DR. Arben Ramkaj the best wishes.
martedì 4 ottobre 2016
The President of European Muslims League Ambassador Alfredo Maiolese has been invited by Carità Politica to an important conference regarding Diplomacy and Religions. Her e Dr. Maiolese during his speeach.
martedì 27 settembre 2016
domenica 11 settembre 2016
Our Ambassador Prof. Muhammed Isa Juan Simon Garcia from Colombia, had partecipated to the Latin american and Caribbean Muslims XXIX International Congress.
The meeting had focus the situation of Muslims on that area.
sabato 27 agosto 2016
The Presidency Council of European Muslims League, expresses to the Government and the Peoples of Italy, the deepest condolence due to the earthquake, which violently struck the central area of the peninsula.
domenica 31 luglio 2016
sabato 16 luglio 2016
Following the terrible attack of a tunisian with a big track, which has caused the death of 84 innocents on Promenade des Anglais in Nice, Ambassador Alfredo Maiolese ,President of EML has been interviewed by Italian Regional Television.
Ambassador Maiolese had condemned this action caused, we believe, by a crazy man despite that a real terrorist.
giovedì 7 luglio 2016
lunedì 4 luglio 2016
Il Presidente della European Muslims League, l'Ambasciatore Alfredo Maiolese dopo i fatti di Dacca in Bangladesh, che hanno colpito i ns connazionali ed altri soggetti, condanna,senza se e senza ma, questi vili atti terroristici.
L'Ambasciatore Maiolese, continua sostenendo che la violenza ed il terrorismo pretendono di essere giustificati con la fede, ma ciò è inaccettabile e deprecabile, in quanto la violenza e la fede, non sono elementi compatibili con la stessa.
Uccidere persone inermi ed innocenti, non é un'azione richiesta dal Sacro Corano, come questi assassini, manipolati e drogati, vogliono farci credere, ma un vero e proprio omicidio contro civili ed un suicidio contro se stessi, considerando, peraltro, queste azioni, perverse contro la stessa religione Islamica.
Maiolese, invita i Musulmani Europei e di tutto il Mondo, a stringersi tutti insieme, prendendo le distanze, condannando e se possibile segnalando, queste cellule impazzite, che usurpando il nome di una nobile religione di pace e misericordia, commettono efferati crimini contro l' umanità.
domenica 26 giugno 2016
In the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, Alfredo Maiolese President of EML had visited the brothers of the new Mosque in La Spezia.
He had given lesson at the presence of many muslims belongs of many countries.
domenica 5 giugno 2016
President Alfredo Maiolese
Secretary-General Yvonne Ridley
Over the next few days many of us will be reflecting on the great contribution boxing legend Muhammad Ali made to the world and the way in which he managed to touch all our lives whether we knew him or not.
He was many things to many people outside of the sporting arena; he was a peace activist, a humanitarian, anti war, a poet and a man of courage and faith who was prepared to go to prison for his beliefs when he refused to fight in the Vietnam war.
Today the European Muslims League pays tribute to this colossus of 20th-century American history who probably did more to promote awareness about injustice, race and religion than most.
After winning his heavyweight title in 1964, he then announced he had embraced Islam and wanted to be known as Muhammad Ali. As he publicly rejected what he called his slave name "Cassius Clay" it was a wildly unpopular thing to do but he did so without fear or favour.
He travelled the globe promoting Islam, he visited Palestinian refugee camps giving solidarity to his brothers and sisters there. Greeted and feted by presidents and royalty, he was never more at home than when he was engaging with young people, inspiring them with his confidence and love of humanity.
Like millions of people of faith and no faith around the world, we salute his courage and leadership both inside and out of the boxing ring.
Herewith our Ambassador in Ecuador Prof. Yahya Juan Suquillo during a visit of Champion Mohanmed Ali in the Mosque.
mercoledì 25 maggio 2016
A very important International Conference on dialogue and the monotheistic religions, had been organized by European Muslims League with the collaboration of Arma Carabinieri Italian Gendarmerie.
All had pointed out, that we do not have to speak about islamic terrorism, but confessional terrorism which uses the religion for its political agenda.
Here Ambassador Alfredo Maiolese President of EML, received a prize by Corps General Vincenzo Coppola, for his contribution to peace and prevention of conflicts.
sabato 21 maggio 2016
Our Ambassador Prof. Yahyia Juan Suquillo received a prize for his contribution and the support of the islamic community, given after the terrible earthquake which has hitten the country.
venerdì 6 maggio 2016
Hon.Dr. Amir Ahmeti representative of European Muslims League, in Kosovo, has been invited by the National Television, to discuss the role of religions in the schoos. To avoid a bad and uncorrect teaching of faiths all together: families, schools, institutions, have to collaborate to prevent hatred and socials conflicts.
mercoledì 27 aprile 2016
Alfredo Maiolese President of European Muslims League, had been invited from the most listened italian Radio for speaking about Islam and dialogue with other religions.
The programme was followed by a large number of people with an enormous interest and success.
The work of EML in Europe to prevent conflicts is well known and appreciated.
mercoledì 20 aprile 2016
United States Embassy in Pristina, brought 40 leaders from Albanian and Kosovo civil society, media, religions communities for two days regional workshop against extremism and the promotion of alternatives to violence.
Dr. Arben Ramkaj representative of EML in Albania and member of the Presidency, was invited to represent our organization.
martedì 19 aprile 2016
The President of EML Alfredo Maiolese on invitation of Tunisian government has partecipated and spoken about the role of Muslims in Europe and the responsabilty of the organization to prevent conflicts and wars.
Here dr Alfredo Maiolese with the President of Republic of Malta H.E. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca.
The symposium has been supported by Isesco and Alesco and the Tunisian Minister of Education.
venerdì 15 aprile 2016
A special course for journalists on the three great monotheistic religions: Judaism , Islam and Catholicism . Very clear and exhaustive interventions of the Chief Rabbi of Genoa Giuseppe Momigliano , Alfredo Maiolese , President of European Muslims League and the Director of Catechetical Genoa , Don Gianfranco Calabrese . Coordinator and organizer of the event Dino Frambati , vice president National Association of Italian journalists .
lunedì 28 marzo 2016
Massacre of Christians
Not to keep quiet . The President of European Muslims League , Alfredo Maiolese condemned without ifs and buts the tragic terrorist incident that hit the Pakistani Christians . Maiolese Ambassador for Peace calls on European Muslims to observe a minute of silence to these innocent and proclaims the terrorists enemies of Islam and humanity . Just massacres in the name of religion, by reminding these murderers that the Islamic religion does not teach to kill members of other faiths because non-Muslims . A real shame that must be fought by all to ensure that you really do not come to a violent confrontation between Christians and Muslims that would provoke a world war .
mercoledì 23 marzo 2016
Our member in Albania, Dr. Arben Ramkaj following the attacks in Belgium had immediately convened a meeting with of all religious leaders, declaring the unity, against the terrorism common enemy of humanity.
martedì 22 marzo 2016
The President Alfredo Maiolese and the Secretary-General Yvonne Ridley released today the following statement.
"Today our hearts and thoughts go out to the Belgium people. There are no words to justify such act of evil as that which has unfolded in Brussels Airport. It is more important than ever that people of faith and no faith come together in solidarity against those who would bring terror to our streets of Europe".
domenica 20 marzo 2016
Don't allow Paris attacker trial to become a theatre of terror.
By Yvonne Ridley
It would be fair to say there was a collective sigh of relief across Europe when terror suspect Salah Abdesalam was shot and arrested in a police raid in the Molenbeek area of Brussels after a four-month international manhunt.
A simple tweet from a senior Belgium official went out with the words: “We got him.”
What followed was a joint press conference with the French president, François Hollande, and the Belgian prime minister, Charles Michel, confirming the arrest of the top terror suspect in the Paris attacks of last year.
As far as I can ascertain, it was good old fashioned police work and a meticulous hard slog by anti terror police that finally led them to the world’s most wanted and two of his accomplices, also arrested.
No one appears to have been put on a rack or waterboarded for information they could not give and, by all accounts, the suspect Abdeslam is singing like a canary to his captors.
With a court trial in the offing, the people of Paris will finally get justice and maybe, just maybe, there’ll be some closure for the many who lost loved ones in the shooting spree which brought terror and chaos to the streets of the French capital and surrounding regions.
This is something perhaps US President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron may want to consider before they sanction the next drone strike in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq or elsewhere to take out so-called militants, thereby doing away with the judicial process of a trial by jury.
Terror suspects must be put through open courts and not be subjected to extra-judicial killings which does away with the right to trial by jury. A trial is essential just as much for the survivors and families of victims of atrocities as it is for the general public; we all need closure. We also all need to know ‘why’.
And no doubt the intelligence police and security get from Abdesalam and his associates will be far more invaluable than anything gained from speculation or the hot air spouted by so-called terror experts on media programmes.
Now it is important to get the suspect into the dock as soon as possible so a trial can get underway. Abdesalam has already been formally charged with “participation in terrorist murder” and in the activities of a terrorist organisation, but he and his lawyers must not be allowed to turn his case into anything other than a fair trial.
I am still impressed with the way in which the judiciary in Norway refused to let the monster Anders Behring Breivik hijack their legal system turning the court into a place of theatre similar to the infamous OJ Simpson murder trial in America 21 years ago.
Breivik’s case went ahead with a minimum of fanfare or security; in the eyes of the Norwegian authorities he was no one special; a common criminal and would be treated as such. The process certainly deflated the self-importance of the far right egotist who clearly wanted a more high profile, high security trial with a heavy armed police presence and military helicopters whirring above the court house. It didn’t happen.
And while Norway's national broadcaster NRK had the contract to televise the trial, key parts including statements by the mass killer were not broadcast. Opening and closing remarks by the prosecution and defence lawyers at the Oslo District Court were shown.
The oxygen of terrorists and their supporters crave in the aftermath of an atrocity is publicity but the way in which the Norwegian authorities treated Breivik was calm and dignified and ensured less lurid headlines and general hysteria. It also gave the survivors and the grieving a chance to assimilate and digest what was happening without being caught up in an intrusive security or media circus.
Breivik, 33, admitted killing 77 people, including children, and wounding more than 240 others when he bombed central Oslo and then opened fire on Utoeya island in July 2011. Just over a year later he was jailed for 21 years.
So far Abdeslam has told Belgian investigators that he abandoned his original plans to be a suicide bomber at France’s main stadium on the night of November 13 after he drove other attackers to Paris for the attacks.
Over the next few weeks and months he might even give much needed information into the terror group Daesh, its recruitment methods and possibly details of more planned atrocities in Europe.
In all, 130 people were killed at several venues around Paris on that night. Sadly there are early indications Abdeslam will fight his extradition to France, a legal challenge that could delay a trial. His lawyer Sven Mary confirmed over the weekend that his client has been formally charged in connection with the Paris attacks and was “collaborating” with Belgian investigators but would challenge his extradition to France.
He said: “France has demanded his extradition. I can tell you that we will refuse extradition to France. We will first see whether the European arrest warrant is legal.” Legal experts predict his case will fail as under the European arrest warrant anyone who commits a serious offence in the EU can be sent back to face justice in the country where the crime took place.

venerdì 18 marzo 2016
The Muslim Comunity of Quito -Ecuador was tired to be associated with stereotypes and wrong perceptions about Islam.
Yahya Juan Suquillo, the director of the local Islamic Center and Ambassador of European Muslims League, launched a Project along to scientists to serve people in special needs . The first bionic hand made in Ecuador with finger's tip sensibility.
Sciences, technology, innovation, cooperation and service to humanity are the key elements to help to lift up the quality of life.
It is indeed how Islam was related during the golden times by being inventors, mathematicians, scientist etc.
mercoledì 16 marzo 2016
It is with enormous pleasure that the Presidency of European Muslims League had nominated Ambassador of EML in the State of Qatar Sheick Faysal Mohammed Jabber Al Thani. Here Alfredo Maiolese with the new Ambassador.
mercoledì 9 marzo 2016
Today the Presidency of European Muslims League, had nominated a new Ambassador of EML in the Comores. This small country it is part of Arab League. We wish to the new Ambassador dr. Nourdine Mohamed Bacha a good work for supporting peace and armony among the popolation of his country.
Here President Alfredo Maiolese with dr. Bacha.
mercoledì 2 marzo 2016
Our Ambassador in Colombia Dr.Muhammad Isa Juan Simon Garcia, had organized the first meeting on:
"build the identity of Muslim women in Latin America".
Many women coming from 18 countries partecipated to this important event. We are sure the women can contribute to the integration of Islamic religion in this part of the world.
sabato 27 febbraio 2016
Alfredo Maiolese Ambassador and President of European Muslims League, had been invited from the Islamic Community of Sanremo, for giving a lesson on integration and the role of Muslims in Italy, in the new Mosque.